Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Saturday, 26 March 2011


 Award winning artist Craig Ruddy gave a talk on his exhibition now showing at the gallery.

 Craig Ruddy (middle) Richard Martin (right)


ABOUT. . .

Currently showing in the gallery  

19 March - 6 April


Craig Ruddy chose the term ‘IMAGO’ (i-ma-go) as the title for this important body of work. It is the scientific name given to the final adult stage of the pupa during metamorphosis, the moment when the pupa develops its sexuality and breaks free from the chrysalis. He describes the word as intriguing and powerful, which could well apply to his artwork. 

It also describes some of Craig’s own feelings about the purpose of life:  “I do believe this life we are living is a chrysalis for something far greater and the paintings are representative of ‘the eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth’ ...”

The themes are strong and expressive and certainly these new works have a level of high energy and a sense of breaking out of any former restriction.
Ruddy describes the work as a celebration of the female figure representing the energetic uprising of the human spirit from cocoon state through chrysalis.
Using a vibrant palette of magenta, blue, yellow, gold an orange, placed onto the back of glass, Ruddy has created the strong colour backdrop for his black-inked female figures, which look ethereal as they seem to float on the colour base.
This is how Ruddy seeks to impress upon his viewer the delicate balance between Life and Death and the possibility of immortality through Rebirth.

IMAGO II is the second part of this major body of work which premiered interstate in 2010. It marks Ruddy’s fifth solo exhibition with Richard Martin in Sydney.


OPENING NIGHT Thursday 24 March, 2011

Craig Ruddy - IMAGO II

Gallery Artists - Melissa Egan (left), Craig Ruddy (right)
The huge crowd continued on to the streets
Gallery artists and friends

More of the crowd...

Friday, 25 March 2011


As part of ART MONTH, artist Craig Ruddy will be talking about his new exhibition IMAGO II on Saturday 26th March at 4:30pm in the gallery

98 Holdswoth Street Woollahra  2025


About Richard Martin Art

Richard Martin established his gallery in 2003.  After 30 years of corporate life he realized his dream of immersing himself in the art world – working directly with artists and presenting exhibitions to art lovers and collectors.  Being an ardent collector for the preceding 20 years, Richard’s first hand knowledge of the art market - particularly investment works - is exceptional.  His integrity and personal approach with clients has escalated Richard Martin to one of Sydney’s most respected art gallery directors. 
Richard Martin Art is located in the hub of Sydney’s gallery precinct in Woollahra, a five minute drive from the CBD, in a stylish purpose-built space offering visitors two light filled levels, easy parking and a café below.